Siapakah Jordan Bardella, bintang kanan jauh Prancis yang membidik jabatan perdana menteri? | Berita

Jordan Bardella memiliki senyum dan selfie untuk semua orang. Dalam posting TikTok reguler ke 1,3 juta pengikutnya, pemimpin sayap kanan yang mengejar posisi perdana menteri Prancis muncul sebagai politisi yang ramah di samping pendukung yang bersukacita. Frontman 28 tahun dari National Rally (RN) sayap kanan jauh, bersama politisi keras Marine Le Pen, bersaing untuk kemenangan … Baca Selengkapnya

Marine Le Pen dan Jordan Bardella — “tiket” impian sayap kanan jauh Prancis?

it comes to Le Pen and Bardella’s partnership, it is clear that they have worked to present a united front to voters. However, as the political landscape in France shifts with Macron’s snap elections, the strength of their bond may be tested. Despite their polished image, they still hold radical policies that could disrupt French … Baca Selengkapnya

Jordan Bardella bisa menjadi PM Prancis pada usia 28 tahun. Tetapi siapakah dia sebenarnya?

8 hours ago By Hugh Schofield, France Correspondent Getty Images The French are eager to uncover the true identity of Jordan Bardella. What was once an interesting question when Bardella was simply the president of the far-right National Rally (RN), has now become urgent as he is being touted as the potential next prime minister … Baca Selengkapnya

Jordan Bardella, Wajah Baru Kanan Prancis

France’s penchant for revolutions is embodied in the young, 28-year-old Jordan Bardella, who is determined to shake up the country’s politics to prevent its “disappearance.” As the president of the National Rally and a protege of Marine Le Pen, Bardella is seen as a rising star in French politics, leading his party to unprecedented levels … Baca Selengkapnya