Transparency is crucial when it comes to understanding what we eat, especially with various food allergies and lifestyle choices to consider. While you may be diligent about reading labels, it’s important to remember that some food products that appear to be vegetarian or vegan may actually contain unexpected animal-based ingredients.
Depending on your dedication to a vegetarian or vegan diet, there are certain foods that may not align with your beliefs. While these foods may not contain meat or dairy, they may still include elements that you should be aware of for health, animal welfare, or environmental reasons. Here are 10 surprising foods that may not always be vegetarian or vegan.
1. Cheese: Some cheeses use animal-based rennet, so it’s essential to check the ingredient list to ensure it’s vegetarian.
2. White or processed sugar: Certain types of white sugar are processed using bone char, so look for alternatives like organic or beet sugar.
3. Wine: Not all wines are vegan-friendly, as some producers use animal-derived products during the fining process.
4. Tortillas: Traditional tortillas are often made with lard, so be cautious when dining out for Mexican food.
5. Refried beans: Watch out for lard or bits of pork in this Mexican staple side dish.
6. Pie crust: Lard is a common ingredient in pie crusts, so be mindful of this when choosing desserts.
It’s important to be informed about the ingredients in the foods you consume, especially if you follow a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle. By checking labels and asking questions, you can ensure that your dietary choices align with your beliefs. Beberapa menggunakan mentega, dan yang lain menggunakan shortening,” jelas Gentile. “Jika Anda tidak membuat kerak sendiri, periksa label atau tanyakan pada penjual roti Anda.”
Dressing Caesar seringkali memiliki anchovy yang dihaluskan di dalamnya. Menurut Dennis Littley, koki dan ahli resep di Ask Chef Dennis, “Dressing Caesar sering membuat vegetarian terkejut karena dibuat dengan anchovy, yang tidak selalu jelas dalam daftar bahan.”