Tanaman Hias yang Tahan Banting: 9 Tanaman Indoor Ini Mustahil untuk Mati

Houseplants are not only beneficial for the air and the soul, but they can also be used for cooking if you decide to grow fragrant herbs and leafy greens. However, caring for houseplants can be a challenge, as many of us have inadvertently killed a fern or ficus shortly after bringing them home. But fear … Baca Selengkapnya

7 Hard Drive Eksternal Terbaik (2024): SSD, Hard Drive, Tahan Banting

As a seasoned user of this drive for nearly two years, I can attest to its reliability for weekly backups. However, it’s important to note that reports from Ars Technica and other users have highlighted significant failure rates, particularly with the 2- and 4-terabyte versions. SanDisk has released a firmware update to address this issue, … Baca Selengkapnya