13 pemenang Wildlife Photographer of the Year yang berkesan dan metal

In a village where lush forests once stood, a tiger now rests on a grassy hillside. The Western Ghats in India is home to a stable population of these magnificent big cats, but human development in the area has had a negative impact on the overall tiger population. Robin Darius Conz used a drone to capture a powerful image that depicts the ongoing conflict between humans and wildlife. His photo, titled “Tiger in Town,” won the top prize in the Urban Wildlife category at the 2024 Wildlife Photographer of the Year awards.

Shane Gross, a Canadian Marine Conservation Photojournalist, was awarded the overall Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2024 for his stunning underwater image of hundreds of western toad tadpoles swimming through Cedar Lake on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. This image stood out amongst a record-breaking number of entries from 117 countries and territories.

The Wildlife Photographer of the Year awards, now in its 60th year, is organized by the Natural History Museum in London. The winning and commended photographs are currently on display at the museum until June 29, 2025.

Other notable images include a photograph by Parham Pourahmad of a Cooper’s hawk eating a squirrel, Thomas Peschak’s documentation of the relationship between Amazon river dolphins and humans, Igor Metelskiy’s image of a lynx in its natural habitat, Karine Aigner’s capture of a yellow anaconda and a yacaré caiman in a struggle, John E Marriott’s photograph of a lynx family, Jannico Kelk’s image of a ninu in a conservation reserve, Ingo Arndt’s documentation of red wood ants dismembering a beetle, Matthew Smith’s encounter with a leopard seal beneath the Antarctic ice, and Alexis Tinker-Tsavalas’ photo of life under dead wood.

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