Pecinta Vegan yang Berotot Sedang Menantang Stereotip

This article was originally published by Grist. To receive Grist’s weekly newsletter, sign up here. Over the past two years, Gigi Balsamico has emerged victorious at numerous strongman competitions in the eastern United States, including Maidens of Might, Rebel Queen, War of the North, and Third Monkey Throwdown. These competitions consist of six to eight … Baca Selengkapnya

‘Kami tidak akan lenyap’: Bagaimana seorang pendeta Amerika Palestina menentang stereotip | Konflik Israel-Palestina

Di Kota New York, Amerika Serikat – Sebuah kilatan logam melintas di dekat telinga Khader Khalilia. Peluru, begitu dekat sehingga ia bisa mendengarnya, menghantam lukisan Romeo dan Juliet di dinding di belakangnya. Saat tembakan lebih banyak terdengar, Khalilia dan keluarganya jatuh ke lantai rumah mereka di Beit Jala, tepat di luar Bethlehem di Tepi Barat … Baca Selengkapnya