‘Rakyat telah bersuara’: Mengapa Ruto dari Kenya menolak tagihan pajak yang dia dorong? | Berita Protes

Kenya’s President William Ruto made a rare admission of defeat on Wednesday evening, rolling back controversial tax reforms that had sparked mass protests resulting in 23 deaths the day before. In a press conference, Ruto acknowledged the will of the people and conceded to their demands, a stark reversal from his previous firm stance against protesters. The sudden change in Ruto’s position has raised questions about his credibility and motives, with analysts suggesting political pressure and Western influence may have played a role in his decision. Despite his tough-on-security messaging and deployment of the military against protesters, Ruto’s handling of the situation drew criticism for being insensitive and inciteful, further highlighting his disconnect from the Kenyan population.

Internationally, Ruto has been seen as a hardliner with close ties to Western powers, particularly the United States, positioning himself as a progressive leader on climate change and security cooperation. However, at home, he has faced mounting criticism and protests over tax hikes and perceived failure to address corruption and economic challenges. Ruto, who came to power promising to root out graft and improve living conditions for low earners, has been dubbed “Zakayo” by his detractors, referencing the corrupt tax collector Zaccheus from the Bible.

The recent anti-tax protests reflect a growing discontent among Kenyan youth with the government’s handling of economic issues, leading to a significant shift in public perception and acceptance of government inadequacies. The pressure from Western allies and the international community likely influenced Ruto’s decision to backtrack on the tax reforms and implement cuts in government spending. However, skepticism remains among analysts about Ruto’s commitment to follow through on his promises, given his track record in office.

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