Trump merinci serangan perbatasan yang luas, dorongan deportasi massal Oleh Reuters

Oleh Ted Hesson, Alexandra Ulmer

WASHINGTON/PIEDRAS NEGRAS, Meksiko (Reuters) – Presiden Amerika Serikat yang baru dilantik, Donald Trump, mengatakan pada hari Senin bahwa dia akan menyatakan imigrasi ilegal di perbatasan AS-Meksiko sebagai keadaan darurat nasional, mengirim pasukan ke sana, dan meningkatkan deportasi pelanggar kriminal.

Trump, menguraikan penindakan itu dalam pidato pelantikannya, mengatakan bahwa dia akan menggunakan Undang-Undang Musuh Asing tahun 1798 yang dikenal sebagai Alien Enemies Act untuk menargetkan anggota geng asing di AS, sebuah kewenangan hukum yang terakhir digunakan untuk menahan warga non-negara keturunan Jepang, Jerman, dan Italia di kamp interniran selama Perang Dunia Kedua. Trump juga mengatakan bahwa dia akan menetapkan kartel kriminal sebagai organisasi teroris asing.

Shortly after the inauguration, U.S. border authorities said they had shut down outgoing President Joe Biden’s CBP One entry program, which had allowed hundreds of thousands of migrants to enter the U.S. legally by scheduling an appointment on an app. Existing appointments were canceled, leaving migrants stunned and unsure of what to do.

Trump, a Republican, recaptured the White House after promising to intensify border security and deport record numbers of migrants. While Trump criticized Biden for high levels of illegal immigration during the Democrat’s presidency, migrant arrests fell dramatically after Biden toughened his policies in June and as Mexico stepped up enforcement.

Republicans say large-scale deportations are necessary after millions of immigrants crossed illegally during Biden’s presidency. There were roughly 11 million immigrants in the U.S. illegally or with a temporary status at the start of 2022, according to a U.S. government estimate, a figure that some analysts now place at 13 million to 14 million.

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\”Sebagai komandan-in-chief, saya tidak memiliki tanggung jawab yang lebih tinggi daripada untuk membela negara kita dari ancaman dan invasi, dan itulah yang akan saya lakukan,\” kata Trump dalam pidatonya.

Trump’s critics and immigrant advocates say mass deportations could disrupt businesses, split families and cost U.S. taxpayers billions of dollars.

The American Civil Liberties Union said in a court filing on Monday that Trump’s decision to end the CBP One program removed the only avenue to asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border. The ACLU asked a federal judge in Washington to allow the termination to be considered in an existing lawsuit over Biden-era asylum restrictions that could affect Trump’s own legal authority, the opening salvo by the civil rights group to fight Trump’s agenda in court.

California and other Democratic-led states that have policies limiting cooperation with federal immigration enforcement also could clash with Trump.

Americans have grown less welcoming toward immigrants without legal status since Trump’s first presidency, but remain wary of harsh measures such as using detention camps, a Reuters/Ipsos poll in December found.


In several Mexican border cities, migrants saw their appointments on Biden’s CBP One app canceled just after Trump took office. Some 280,000 people had been logging into the app daily to secure an appointment as of Jan. 7.

In Matamoros, Mexico, a group of migrants from the central Mexican state of Zacatecas arrived at a legal border crossing at midday but were turned back by border authorities who said all appointments were now void, they told a Reuters witness.

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Denia Mendez, a Honduran sitting in the courtyard of a migrant shelter in Piedras Negras – a Mexican city across from Eagle Pass, Texas – opened her email inbox 30 minutes after Trump became president. She stared at an email for several minutes, reading it over and over, before her eyes welled up.

\”They canceled my appointment,\” she said. Several other migrants, who just minutes ago were laughing as they fed potato chips to pigeons, huddled around her phone, their faces suddenly grave.

Mendez’s 15-year-old daughter Sofia kept trying to get into the CBP One app.

\”They’re not going to let you into the app, baby,\” her mother told her softly.


Trump intends to challenge U.S. citizenship for children born to parents in the U.S. illegally, an incoming Trump official said earlier in the day. So-called \”birthright citizenship\” stems from an amendment to the U.S. Constitution and any move to restrict it will almost certainly trigger legal challenges.

Trump also plans to suspend the U.S. refugee resettlement program for at least four months and will order a review of security to see if travelers from certain nations should be subject to a travel ban, the official said.

Trump said in his address that he would reinstate his first-term \”remain in Mexico\” program, which forced non-Mexican asylum seekers to wait in Mexico for the outcome of the U.S. cases. Biden ended the program in 2021, saying migrants were stuck waiting in squalid conditions.

\”All illegal entry will immediately be halted, and we will begin the process of returning millions and millions of criminal aliens back to the places from which they came,\” Trump said.

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Mexico’s presidency, foreign ministry, and economy ministry did not immediately respond to requests for comment on Trump’s plans. In a regular press conference on Monday, Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum called for calm and insisted her government had to see the details of Trump’s actions before responding.
