Di tengah dorongan gencatan senjata, warga Palestina yang dibebaskan dari penjara Israel membawa luka mental dan fisik. Oleh Reuters.

affected, whereas torture is a systematic practice that affects a large number of people,\” he said. The Israeli military declined to comment on specific facilities, but said it was committed to investigating all allegations of abuse. \”The Israel Defense Forces views any allegations of abuse of detainees with utmost severity and investigates all claims,\” a military spokesperson said.  The U.N. human rights office has called for an international investigation into the treatment of Palestinian detainees in Israel, while Hamas has called for an international commission to be set up to investigate abuses.  For Obaiyat, now back in detention, his family says he is barely recognizable from the man he was before his arrest. \”He was a tower of strength and energy and now he is a shell of his former self,\” said his wife, Fatima. \”We just want him back, healthy and whole.\”\”

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