Tombol Tersembunyi di Bagian Belakang iPhone Anda, dan 22 Pengaturan Lain yang Bisa Anda Sesuaikan

Whether you’re a new iPhone user or a seasoned veteran, there are likely some settings on your device that you’ve never explored. From enhancing privacy to accessing hidden features, there are plenty of tricks and hacks that can improve your overall iPhone experience.

If you find yourself burning through battery life too quickly or want to streamline certain tasks, such as setting up a shortcut for your workout playlist, we’ve got you covered. With 23 iOS settings to optimize your phone’s performance, you can customize your device in ways you never thought possible.

For example, you can prevent apps from tracking your exact location, turn the back of your iPhone into a secret button for quick actions, enable real-time voicemail transcriptions, and bring back full-screen incoming call alerts. Additionally, you can manage your 5G coverage, fine-tune data usage, declutter your home screen with the App Library, and unlock your phone while wearing a face mask.

With these tips and tricks, you can make the most out of your iPhone and tailor it to suit your individual needs. Whether you’re looking to improve battery life, enhance privacy, or simply streamline your daily tasks, these iOS settings can help you achieve a more satisfying iPhone experience.

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