Pelacak yang Ditempatkan dalam Kemasan Amazon Membongkar Apa yang Sebenarnya Terjadi pada Daur Ulang Drop-Off di Toko

Investigation Reveals Failure of Amazon’s Plastic Packaging Recycling Program

A recent investigation conducted by the nonprofits Environment America and U.S. Public Interest Research Group (U.S. PIRG) has shed light on the ineffective nature of Amazon’s plastic packaging recycling program. Despite the company’s claims that its plastic bags, bubble-lined mailers, and air pillows can be recycled through store drop-off programs, the investigation found that only a small fraction of these items actually make it to recycling facilities.

The report, published earlier this week, detailed how only four out of 93 bundles of Amazon plastic packaging marked for store drop-off actually ended up at material recovery facilities capable of recycling the plastic. The rest of the bundles were either sent to landfills, incinerators, or overseas for processing. This raises serious concerns about the validity of Amazon’s recycling claims and the effectiveness of store drop-off programs in general.

Jenn Engstrom, state director of U.S. PIRG’s California chapter, emphasized that the store drop-off system is not working and that plastic film is not truly recyclable. The investigation also highlighted the challenges faced by companies like Trex, which turn discarded plastic into products like benches. The contamination and lack of demand for recycled material make it difficult for companies to effectively utilize plastic packaging collected through store drop-off programs.

Despite these findings, companies like Amazon continue to use store drop-off labels on their packaging, directing consumers to recycling receptacles at retail locations. However, the investigation revealed that many of these receptacles are not actually recycling the plastic film they collect, creating a false sense of sustainability among consumers.

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As scrutiny over the use of store drop-off labels increases, some companies have pledged to phase out their use, including Mondelez and Georgia Pacific. Amazon, however, has not responded to questions about its use of the label or the effectiveness of its recycling programs.

While Amazon claims to be investing in better recycling infrastructure and reducing plastic use, environmental advocates argue that more needs to be done to address the growing plastic pollution crisis. The investigation serves as a wake-up call for both companies and consumers to reevaluate their approach to plastic packaging and recycling.