Kekasih Sigma, kamera cantik yang bodoh yang tidak kamu tahu kamu perlukan

Sigma Corp. presents the sleek silver Sigma BF camera. In a world dominated by smartphones, mirrorless cameras have seen a resurgence in popularity over the past five years. Unit sales have increased by 150% since 2019, surpassing DSLR cameras. Last year, a staggering 5.6 million mirrorless cameras were sold, making up two-thirds of the digital camera market.

Sigma Corp., a renowned company known for its camera lenses, has recently introduced the BF camera, designed to appeal to a new audience. CEO Kazuto Yamaki believes that despite the rise of smartphone photography, there is still a market for dedicated cameras. The BF is a departure from traditional camera design, focusing on simplicity and ease of use for everyday photography.

The BF’s unique user interface eliminates dials and modes in favor of a large click wheel for easy navigation. This modern approach to camera design aims to attract users looking to upgrade from smartphones without the intimidation of complex features. The camera’s sleek aluminum body and minimalist design make it a standout piece of industrial art.

Yamaki envisions the BF as a beacon of hope for the camera industry, offering a refreshing take on capturing daily life. With its innovative design and intuitive controls, the BF represents a new era of camera technology. He operates the BF by switching everything else to automatic and adjusting aperture settings on the fly using the click wheel. Additionally, he was impressed by the results of the DJI camera when he went mountain biking, stating that it was quick to shoot and stress-free.

The BF deviates from traditional cameras in several ways, such as having 230GB of internal flash memory instead of a card slot. Despite having fasteners for a standard camera strap, Sigma also offers a wrist strap accessory, giving it a more casual feel. The camera’s aluminum construction feels durable and well-built.

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The camera boasts impressive specs, including a 24-megapixel full-frame sensor that produces crisp images and allows for excellent low-light photography. It can also shoot 6K video at up to 120 frames per second. The BF features in-camera editing functions that are fluid and intuitive, eliminating the need for extensive post-processing.

Although Sigma is primarily a lens manufacturer, their foray into cameras has improved their optical offerings. The acquisition of Foveon in 2008 allowed them to use unique sensor technology, capturing all three primary colors in every pixel. This results in incredibly sharp, rich, and realistic images that stand out from traditional sensors.

While the latest Sigma cameras use Sony sensors, enthusiasts are eagerly awaiting a new Foveon-based model. The development of their own sensor technology has been challenging but has driven improvements in their lens design and overall product quality. Yamaki’s passion for Foveon and dedication to innovation have solidified Sigma’s reputation as a leading brand in the photography industry. Sejak itu, sebagai seorang ayah dari anak-anak kecil, saya hanya mengambil foto keluarga dengan kamera sensor Foveon.

“Saya kadang-kadang melihat kembali foto-foto itu; itu benar-benar foto yang bagus!” katanya dengan rasa ingin sekali. “Jadi, saya benar-benar ingin membuat kamera baru dengan sensor Foveon yang baru.”

Sementara itu, Yamaki tidak memiliki harapan bahwa BF akan secara dramatis mengubah ukuran dan skala bisnis Sigma, hanya keinginan agar diterima di pasar dan dicintai oleh penggunanya.

“Skala bisnis tidak terlalu penting,” katanya. “Tentu, keuntungan sangat penting agar bisa bertahan dalam industri ini.”

Juga: Perangkat lunak pengeditan foto terbaik: Diuji dan ditinjau oleh para ahli.

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Ia mengatakan hal paling penting adalah membuat produk terbaik, kamera dan lensa terbaik.

“Hal kedua adalah membuat pelanggan kami sangat senang dengan perusahaan kami. Dan yang ketiga adalah melindungi pekerjaan karyawan.” Sigma adalah perusahaan keluarga yang tidak memiliki rencana untuk mencatat saham di pasar saham. “Saya memiliki tanggung jawab pribadi terhadap karyawan,” katanya.

Terdapat waktu tunggu untuk mendapatkan BF, karena Sigma hanya memproduksi delapan atau sepuluh unit per hari. Anda dapat bergabung dengan daftar tunggu untuk BF melalui formulir online. Meskipun belum ada tanggal resmi untuk pengiriman, indikasi di acara cocktail menunjukkan bahwa unit mungkin akan mulai tersedia pada akhir April atau awal Mei. Kamera (hanya bodi) dihargai $1,999. Lensa dihargai terpisah.

Sementara itu, jika Anda berada di area New York, Anda dapat mengunjungi toko pop-up Sigma di Lower Manhattan hingga 29 Maret. Cek situs web untuk memesan waktu masuk.

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