6 alasan mengapa iOS 18 membuat iPhone 16 harus diupgrade bagi saya

I will be retiring my trusty TOS (that original smartphone) iPhone 12 Pro Max soon. I am not someone who enjoys upgrading my iPhone. I usually wait until the new device meets a specific need before I upgrade, not just because of the cost and hassle. This year, however, I have decided to get an iPhone 16 Pro Max. There are three main reasons why I upgrade: when the current device has issues, when there are compelling new features, or just to have the latest device. My wife upgraded her older iPhone 11 Pro to the iPhone 15 Pro Max last year due to storage issues. For me, this year, the primary reason for upgrading is the new Apple AI feature. I rely heavily on Apple’s AI features for my work and having it on all my devices is important for consistency. I also look forward to the spatial video editing capabilities, macro lens for photography, USB-C connector for faster file transfers, and improved performance on the new iPhone. These features will enhance my work and make my workflow more efficient.

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