Pemantau glukosa terus meningkat setelah persetujuan FDA

Two hours ago, the BBC News reported that continuous glucose monitors have been cleared for use without a prescription, potentially reaching millions of Americans. While these devices have been beneficial for diabetics, concerns have been raised about the potential harm or distraction they may cause for non-diabetics. Despite the rising trend in using CGMs for … Baca Selengkapnya

Monitor Glukosa Terus Menerus Terbaik Tahun 2024

Our team of experts, including Mercey Livingston and Kim Wong-Shing, carefully select and thoroughly research the products we cover. If you make a purchase through our links, we may earn a commission. Mercey Livingston is a health and wellness writer and certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, while Kim Wong-Shing has a background in demystifying wellness … Baca Selengkapnya

FDA memperingatkan bahwa smartwatch dan cincin pintar tidak dapat mengukur glukosa darah

Seorang jurnalis berpengalaman dapat melihat bahwa jika Anda menemukan smartwatch atau cincin pintar yang dijual dengan klaim dapat mengukur kadar glukosa darah Anda secara non-invasif, jangan percaya begitu saja. Hari ini, Food and Drug Administration telah mengeluarkan komunikasi keamanan yang memperingatkan konsumen, pasien, dan profesional kesehatan bahwa lembaga tersebut “tidak memberikan izin, persetujuan, atau persetujuan … Baca Selengkapnya