Data Tindak Lanjut Jangka Panjang dari Studi Fase 3 CAMZYOS ® (mavacamten) Menguatkan Profil Efikasi dan Keamanan yang Telah Terbukti pada Pasien dengan Kardiomiopati Hipertrofik Obstruktif Simtomatik (oHCM)

roBNP levels may be signs or symptoms of heart failure. If heart failure occurs, consider discontinuation of CAMZYOS or dose reduction. Echocardiogram assessments of LVEF are required prior to and during treatment with CAMZYOS. Hypotension CAMZYOS can lower blood pressure. Assess the patient\’s clinical status and adjust antihypertensive therapy as needed during treatment with CAMZYOS. … Baca Selengkapnya