Teks proposal gencatan senjata Gaza yang disetujui oleh Hamas | Berita Perang Israel di Gaza

Al Jazeera has obtained a copy of the Gaza ceasefire proposal that Hamas said it accepted on Monday. The deal, put forward by Egypt and Qatar, would occur in three stages. The first stage involves a temporary halt in fighting, leading to a lasting calm and the withdrawal of Israeli troops from Gaza. The proposed agreement also includes the release of Israeli captives in Gaza and an unspecified number of Palestinians held in Israeli jails. Israel has not agreed to the proposal but is willing to engage in further talks. The United States, also involved in negotiations, is reviewing Hamas’ response. The proposed deal includes the release of Israeli captives in exchange for Palestinian prisoners, leading to a sustainable ceasefire and the withdrawal of Israeli forces. The agreement consists of three stages, with the first stage involving a temporary cessation of military operations and the withdrawal of Israeli forces from certain areas in Gaza. Humanitarian aid would be allowed in during this stage. The exchange of captives and prisoners would also take place in stages, with specific criteria outlined for each group. The second stage would involve further withdrawals of Israeli forces and the release of additional captives and prisoners. Humanitarian aid and infrastructure rehabilitation would continue throughout all stages of the agreement. The United Nations and other international organizations would also provide humanitarian services in Gaza. Reconstruction efforts and compensation for those affected by the war would be supervised by Egypt, Qatar, and the United Nations. All measures outlined in the agreement would continue in the second stage until a sustainable calm is achieved.

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