Rusia menyalahkan perang pada NATO saat menyerang Ukraina, menuntut wilayah untuk pembicaraan | Berita Perang Rusia-Ukraina

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban continued his diplomatic efforts to achieve a ceasefire in Ukraine by visiting Beijing on Monday, following visits to Kyiv and Moscow. NATO and the European Union, however, distanced themselves from Orban’s mission, stating that he was not acting on their behalf. Despite initial skepticism, Russia acknowledged the potential value of Orban’s efforts, with Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov expressing positivity towards the initiative. Orban, known for his populist stance against the EU, has been advocating for a ceasefire as a crucial first step towards peace negotiations. However, both Moscow and Kyiv have rejected this proposal, citing concerns about the other side regrouping militarily. Russian President Vladimir Putin has outlined stringent conditions for accepting a ceasefire, including the complete withdrawal of Ukrainian troops from certain regions and the rejection of plans to join NATO. Despite facing criticism and challenges, Orban has persisted in his efforts, even appealing to EU leaders for support in his peace initiative. Meanwhile, as Orban engaged in diplomatic talks in Beijing, Russia launched a deadly missile attack on Ukraine, resulting in numerous casualties. Amidst global condemnation, Russia attempted to shift blame for the attack, but evidence pointed to Russian involvement. The ongoing conflict in Ukraine saw limited territorial changes, with intense fighting reported in key strongholds. Ukrainian forces also carried out successful strikes on Russian targets, showcasing their resilience in the face of aggression. Despite the slow progress on the ground, diplomatic efforts and military engagements continued to shape the dynamics of the conflict.

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