Pria yang Melunakkan Tanah untuk Jerman Ekstremis

\”In a pub in a wooded town in eastern Germany, right-wing ideologue Björn Höcke regaled followers with tales of his imminent trial for uttering Nazi slogans. Despite facing legal consequences, he continued to push the limits of political speech, prompting concerns about his threat to German democracy. Over the years, Höcke has challenged Germany’s restrictions on extremist rhetoric, reviving fascist ideas and making them more acceptable. Despite multiple legal cases, his party, the AfD, continues to gain popularity, pushing the country’s political landscape rightward. Critics see him as a dangerous figure seeking to destigmatize Germany’s Nazi past, while supporters view him as a defender of German culture. His rhetoric, filled with Nazi-era references, has sparked debate and controversy across the country. As he faces trial once again, Höcke’s rise to prominence reflects the radicalization of the AfD and the impact of its antiglobalist, anti-immigrant views on German politics. His supporters see the legal cases against him as a witch hunt, fueling a sense of persecution that pervades his speeches. With the upcoming state election in Thuringia, where the AfD is expected to gain significant votes, the possibility of Höcke becoming prime minister looms large, signaling a potentially troubling shift in German politics.\”

MEMBACA  Tujuh meninggal di Tyre Lebanon saat Israel menyangkal kelaparan di Gaza utara.