Pemilihan Kashmir: Apakah kandidat separatis agen perubahan atau kuda Troya? | Politik

Every day, Kaleemullah Lone starts his day by going door-to-door to campaign for votes in his constituency, Langate, located 70km (43 miles) from Srinagar, the largest city in Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir. His campaign focuses on ending pre-trial detentions, addressing bureaucratic overreach, improving healthcare infrastructure, and tackling rising unemployment in the Kashmir Valley. However, his platform does not mention the long-standing Kashmir dispute that has defined his political party, the Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI). India and Pakistan both claim Jammu and Kashmir, leading to multiple wars over the region.

Indian-administered Kashmir is preparing for its first regional elections in a decade after losing its special autonomy in 2019. The entry of Jamaat-backed candidates, despite the party’s history of boycotting elections, has caused confusion and speculation. The Jamaat, banned in India under anti-terror laws, is now participating in elections to show Kashmiris the true meaning of democracy through education and employment initiatives.

The Jamaat’s decision to contest elections completes a tragic circle in the region’s history, as the party has a long-standing history of resistance against Indian rule. The crackdown on opposition leaders in 2019 led to the party’s ban, prompting them to back former members as independent candidates.

Kaleemullah Lone, the son of a former Jamaat member, believes that Kashmir needs a new beginning with a focus on reconciliation. He emphasizes the need to reach out to the mothers of martyrs, regardless of whether they were killed by militants or Indian forces. The participation of Jamaat-backed candidates like Talat Majeed and firebrand cleric Sarjan Barkati has added a new dynamic to the election, with tensions rising between mainstream parties and candidates backed by the Jamaat and Rashid’s party.

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