Pemetik buah Indonesia mengatakan pekerjaan musiman di Inggris membuat mereka terjerat dalam utang | Hak Buruh

\”Indonesian workers who traveled to the United Kingdom to pick fruit are facing the possibility of returning home heavily in debt after being fired for not meeting unrealistic targets. Abdul, a migrant worker who joined the seasonal worker scheme in the UK, accrued around $4,000 in debt to cover fees and expenses. He and four other Indonesian workers were let go from the farm in Hereford due to poor performance. The farm claims the dismissals were based on structured performance management procedures. The Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority is investigating the case, looking into allegations of illegal recruitment fees. Despite the challenges, Abdul has found work at another farm in the UK. Other workers also shared their struggles with debt and broken promises from recruitment agencies. The Indonesian Embassy in London is aware of the situation and supports investigations into the matter. Labour rights activist Andy Hall believes the system is broken, with UK companies relying on migrant workers without adequately supporting them.\”

MEMBACA  Arsitek Memeluk Pandangan Dunia Pribumi dalam Desain-desain Australia