Janji Modi untuk memberikan status negara bagi Kashmir. Retorika pemungutan suara atau pendekatan yang tulus? | Berita Pemilihan

In Srinagar, Indian-controlled Kashmir, as the region prepares for the final phase of local elections scheduled for Tuesday, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has pledged to reinstate the disputed territory’s “statehood” that was revoked five years ago by his Hindu nationalist government. Speaking to a lackluster crowd in Srinagar, the main city in the disputed Muslim-majority region, Modi reiterated his commitment to restoring Jammu and Kashmir as a state, a promise made in parliament. He emphasized that only the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) can fulfill this pledge, but provided no further details.

This announcement comes amidst widespread discontent in Kashmir towards the BJP for abolishing the region’s limited autonomy and downgrading it to a federally administered territory in 2019. The move is also a response to criticism from Kashmiri parties, who have made the restoration of special status and statehood their primary election agenda. The ramifications of New Delhi’s unilateral decision to abolish the region’s special status, designed to protect local culture and demographics, continue to influence the electoral campaigns.

India and Pakistan both claim full sovereignty over Kashmir but have controlled different parts of it since gaining independence from Britain in 1947. The relationship between Kashmir and New Delhi has been intricate and distinctive since its accession to India in 1947 under Article 370, which granted the region certain conditions and limited legislative powers to the central government. However, the Modi government’s decision to revoke Article 370 in 2019 led to widespread protests, arrests of Kashmiri leaders, and a communication blockade.

Despite the promise of restoring statehood to Jammu and Kashmir, questions remain about the extent of power that the newly elected assembly will possess. Observers believe that the elections will serve as a referendum on the BJP’s controversial actions and highlight the challenges of running a legislature subordinate to the central government. The Lieutenant Governor appointed by New Delhi will continue to wield significant influence over the elected government, particularly in matters of public order, police, and finances.

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The upcoming government in Kashmir may face limitations in exercising autonomy and will likely be subject to the directives of the central government. Pro-India parties in Kashmir have vowed to restore Article 370 and full statehood, despite concerns about their ability to challenge the authority of the Lieutenant Governor. The decisions made in the aftermath of August 2019 have fundamentally altered the political landscape in Kashmir, leaving the region with diminished autonomy and limited democratic representation.