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The BBC has uncovered that former police officer Adam Whittington, founder of Project Rescue Children (PRC), has been fabricating stories to raise funds for his charity. Despite claiming to have saved over 700 children from human traffickers in countries such as Uganda, Kenya, and The Gambia, it has been found that some of these children were never actually trafficked. Funds raised, often with the support of celebrities, have not always reached the children in need.

Whittington has been accused of misleading donors by raising funds for children who were not actually rescued from trafficking. For example, a baby supposedly saved from traffickers was actually with her mother the whole time, and the mother never received any money from PRC.

Despite the allegations against PRC, the charity has denied any wrongdoing and claims that the money raised was used to support other children in Uganda and the Philippines. However, investigations by the BBC have revealed inconsistencies in the stories shared by Whittington and PRC.

In addition, the BBC discovered that a rescue centre in Kenya, supported by PRC, did not actually exist. Pictures of children supposedly rescued and sponsored by PRC were found to be false, and the funds raised for these children did not reach them or their families.

Further investigations into a dramatic rescue mission in The Gambia revealed that a newborn baby supposedly saved by Whittington was not actually rescued from traffickers. The baby was later found to be a different child, and the marketplace rescue never actually happened.

These findings have raised serious concerns about the credibility and integrity of PRC and its founder, Adam Whittington. The charity’s claims to save children from trafficking and abuse have been called into question, and the misuse of funds and fabrication of stories have cast a shadow over their operations.

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