Mahasiswa kedokteran dari Inggris berbondong-bondong ke Bulgaria di tengah kelangkaan tempat kuliah di negara asal mereka

Roman amphitheater, with the new doctors and dentists receiving their diplomas in front of family and friends who have flown in for the occasion.

For Adnaan Patel, the decision to study in Bulgaria has been a challenging but ultimately rewarding experience. He is now looking forward to returning to the UK to complete his training and embark on a career in medicine.

“I miss home, of course, but I know that this experience has been invaluable for my future career. I am grateful for the opportunity to study here and I am excited to see where this journey will take me,” he said.

As more and more British students like Patel choose to study abroad for their medical degrees, the landscape of the NHS workforce is changing. With a growing number of doctors and dentists trained in countries like Bulgaria, the UK health service is able to fill crucial gaps in its workforce and provide quality care to patients.

While the journey may be challenging, the rewards are clear. And for students like Adnaan Patel, the opportunity to pursue their dreams of becoming a doctor is worth every obstacle along the way.

MEMBACA  Ria Ricis Memberikan Uang dan Membeli Barang dari Pak Tarno, Aurel Hermansyah Diduga Ditipu Fico Fachriza