Kesempatan untuk Trump, pemuda di acara rapat melihatnya sebagai jawaban untuk masalah ekonomi. Oleh Reuters

Young voters in Green Bay, Wisconsin are showing support for former president Donald Trump, a trend that could be worrying for Democratic incumbent Joe Biden’s hopes for a second term. Isayah Turner, a 23-year-old dog breeder, drove two hours from Milwaukee to attend a recent Trump rally in Green Bay, citing his support for Trump’s stance on oil drilling, gun control, and immigration.

A Reuters/Ipsos poll in March showed a narrow 3-point lead for Biden over Trump among Americans aged 18-29, a significant drop from Biden’s 24-point lead in the 2020 election. Concerns about Biden’s age and foreign policy decisions, such as his support for Israel in the conflict with Hamas, are contributing to this shift in support among young voters.

Despite cold weather, a crowd of 3,000 Trump supporters, including many young people, gathered outside a Green Bay convention center to hear the former president speak. Reasons cited for supporting Trump included economic concerns like inflation and the perception that the economy is not benefiting them. Many also agreed with Trump’s isolationist stance on foreign policy, particularly regarding aid to Ukraine.

Of the young people interviewed by Reuters, the majority expressed support for Trump’s economic policies and immigration restrictions, while also dismissing concerns about his criminal cases or efforts to overturn the 2020 election. The group included individuals from various backgrounds, with one Black participant and the remainder identifying as white.

While some polls show Biden maintaining a lead among young voters, the Trump campaign is optimistic about gaining support from this demographic in the upcoming election. Efforts by the Biden campaign to engage with young voters include a $30 million ad buy and outreach projects in high schools and colleges.

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As the 2024 election approaches, both campaigns are closely watching the shifting opinions of young voters, with Trump’s team targeting economic issues and overseas conflicts as key messaging points. The gender gap among young voters is also a factor, with Trump performing better among young men compared to young women.

For Isayah Turner and other young Trump supporters, the former president’s unfiltered rhetoric and focus on economic issues are what make him an appealing candidate. As Turner navigates the challenges of running a business, he credits his mother – a former Obama supporter turned Trump advocate – for sparking his interest in politics. Ultimately, it is Trump’s bold and unconventional approach to politics that resonates with young voters like Turner in Green Bay.