TAGRISSO ® (osimertinib) mengurangi risiko kemajuan penyakit atau kematian sebesar 84% pada pasien kanker paru-paru Stadium III EGFR-mutasi yang tidak dapat dioperasi dibandingkan dengan plasebo dalam uji coba Fase III LAURA.

The LAURA Phase III trial results represent a significant advancement in the treatment of Stage III EGFR-mutated non-small cell lung cancer. TAGRISSO demonstrated a remarkable improvement in progression-free survival, reducing the risk of disease progression or death by 84% compared to placebo. This groundbreaking data establishes TAGRISSO as a new standard of care for patients in this setting. The safety profile of TAGRISSO was consistent with expectations, with no new safety concerns identified. These results highlight the potential of TAGRISSO as a powerful treatment option for patients with EGFR-mutated lung cancer.

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