Pendana iklim Tom Steyer: ‘Saya 100% yakin bahwa membawa anak-anak ke dunia ini masih hal yang benar untuk dilakukan’

even worse. This is not hyperbole. It’s the reality we face.

But citizenship isn’t just about voting—it’s also about engaging with your community in other ways. You can join local environmental groups, attend town hall meetings, or write to your elected officials. You can volunteer with organizations working on climate issues, or donate to causes that are making a difference. You can educate yourself on the issues, and then educate others. The point is, there are countless ways to get involved, and every little bit helps.

Finally, there’s the issue of purpose-driven careers. This is perhaps the most difficult, but also the most impactful, way to make a difference. If you’re in a position to choose your career path, consider how you can use your skills and expertise to contribute to the fight against climate change. Whether you work in finance, technology, healthcare, education, or any other field, there are opportunities to make a difference. You can work for companies that are leading the way in sustainability, or start your own business with a focus on clean energy. You can advocate for policy changes within your industry, or use your platform to raise awareness about climate issues.

Ultimately, the fight against climate change is a collective effort. It will take all of us, working together, to create a sustainable future for ourselves and for future generations. But I have no doubt that we can do it. We have the technology, the knowledge, and the passion to make a difference. And with your help, we can build a world that is cleaner, healthier, and more resilient than ever before.

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So, don’t be discouraged by the enormity of the task ahead. Instead, be inspired by the opportunity to be part of something truly transformative. Embrace your role as a climate citizen, and join us in the fight for a better future. Together, we can make a difference. Together, we can build a world that we can be proud to pass on to our children. Thank you for joining me in this crucial mission. Let’s get to work.\”