Kolombia mengusir, menangguhkan siswa setelah ancaman pemerintah: Apa yang kita ketahui | Berita Gaza

Columbia University has taken disciplinary action against students who participated in pro-Palestinian demonstrations in April 2024, including expulsion, suspension, or revocation of degrees. The punishments were based on the severity of behavior and past infractions. This response follows a crackdown on student activists in the US who led pro-Palestine demonstrations amid Israel’s conflict with Gaza and called for divestment from Israel.

The US Department of Education sent letters to 60 institutions, including Columbia, on March 10, warning of potential law enforcement actions for failing to protect Jewish students from antisemitic harassment. Columbia faced a $400m funding cut due to this issue. The university has not publicly responded to the letter but announced disciplinary actions against students involved in the protests at Hamilton Hall.

Students who participated in the protests have received suspensions or expulsions after investigations by the University Judicial Board. Graduates involved may have their degrees revoked, and others are under investigation for social media posts or unauthorized protests. This has sparked criticism from students and observers, who feel the university is not protecting academic freedom and is collaborating with authorities to silence dissent.

The situation escalated with the arrest and detention of Mahmoud Khalil, a former student negotiator and Palestinian activist, who now faces deportation despite his permanent residency status. The crackdown on pro-Palestine demonstrations and the targeting of activists have raised concerns about academic freedom and the rights of students to protest peacefully. Pengacara Khalil Amy Greer memberitahu wartawan bahwa dia berada di dalam rumah milik Universitas Columbia ketika petugas dari lembaga Imigrasi dan Bea Cukai (ICE) datang untuk menangkapnya.

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Mengutip di platform Truth Social-nya setelah penahanan Khalil, Trump mengatakan ini akan menjadi “penangkapan pertama dari banyak yang akan datang”.

Anggota Kongres AS dari partai Republik telah mengkritik proses disiplin Columbia sejak kejadian di Hamilton Hall. Dalam surat pada bulan Februari kepada lembaga tersebut, perwakilan Republik menuntut agar Columbia menyerahkan catatan mahasiswa yang terlibat dalam protes kampus atau menghadapi pemotongan dana.

Minggu ini, Khalil dan tujuh mahasiswa lain yang tidak disebutkan namanya di Columbia dan Barnard College mengajukan gugatan di pengadilan federal di Manhattan untuk menghalangi komite kongres AS secara permanen dari mendapatkan catatan mahasiswa dari institusi tersebut.

Sementara itu, para pengunjuk rasa telah berkumpul untuk mendukung Khalil. Pada hari Kamis, puluhan demonstran yang membanjiri lobi Trump Tower di New York dengan spanduk bertuliskan “Bebaskan Mahmoud,” ditangkap oleh polisi.

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