Overall, the fast food industry is navigating through uncertain times due to President Trump’s tariffs and the potential impact on costs and consumer behavior. While some chains like McDonald’s and Yum Brands are seeing stock boosts and positive sales growth, others like Chipotle and Shake Shack are facing setbacks. The industry is focusing on value offerings to attract budget-conscious consumers and mitigate the effects of rising costs. It remains to be seen how the industry will adapt to the changing landscape and potential trade war implications.
“Saleh memperingatkan bahwa jika persepsi merek-merek AS menurun di negara-negara lain, pemerintah mereka bisa melambatkan proses persetujuan mereka.
“Mereka bisa menolak mereka di daerah tertentu, membuatnya jauh lebih sulit bagi merek-merek AS untuk tumbuh,” katanya, dengan menyebutkan KFC, McDonald’s, Chipotle, dan Starbucks sebagai beberapa pemain dengan kehadiran besar di luar negeri.
Brooke DiPalma adalah seorang reporter senior untuk Yahoo Finance. Ikuti dia di Twitter di @BrookeDiPalma atau email dia di [email protected].
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