Hal-hal penting dari pertemuan sengit di Gedung Putih dengan Trump dan Zelenskyy | Berita Donald Trump

A meeting between Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and US President Donald Trump turned into a heated argument as they clashed over the future of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Zelenskyy had come to the White House to discuss a proposed deal for US access to Ukraine’s rare earth minerals and security assurances, but Trump quickly became agitated, insisting Zelenskyy should be grateful for US support. Trump later released a statement on social media seemingly withdrawing the US from negotiations with Ukraine and kicking Zelenskyy out of the White House. Despite Ukraine facing Russian incursions for over a decade, Trump’s support has been questioned since he took office. Zelenskyy openly criticized Trump and called Putin a “killer and terrorist,” causing tensions to rise during their meeting. The discussion quickly turned confrontational as Trump defended Putin and criticized Zelenskyy’s stance towards Russia. Dia melewati penyelidikan palsu di mana mereka menggunakan dia dan Rusia, Rusia, Rusia, Rusia. Pernah dengar tentang kesepakatan itu?” Tanya Trump, menyebut penyelidikan itu sebagai tipu muslihat Demokrat. “Dia harus melewati itu.” The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.”

Rewritten: The swift brown fox leaps over the sluggish dog.

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