Kota Jerman yang Terluka oleh Masa Lalu Nazi Bergulat dengan Meningkatnya Sayap Kanan Jauh

This article highlights the rise of the far-right party Alternative for Germany (AfD) in the city of Pforzheim, despite the city’s history of grappling with its Nazi past. The AfD, known for its anti-immigrant and anti-EU stance, has gained popularity in the city due to economic decline and high levels of migration.

The AfD’s success in Pforzheim, a traditionally conservative city, has raised concerns among residents and political experts. While some voters are drawn to the party’s promises to revive the economy, others are alarmed by its nationalist and xenophobic rhetoric.

The city’s large migrant population, including refugees and workers from EU countries, has put pressure on public services and created social tensions. The AfD has found support among Russian-Germans in Pforzheim, as well as other residents who feel marginalized or threatened by the influx of migrants.

Local political leaders are divided on how to address the rise of the AfD. While some believe in engaging with the party to address voter concerns, others reject any form of cooperation with the far right. The upcoming elections will test the city’s political landscape and its ability to confront the challenges posed by the AfD.

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