Pelanggan Anda tidak menginginkan lebih banyak AI – inilah yang harus diinvestasikan sebagai gantinya

Deep exhale. This is the part of the article where I typically insert a clever remark to pique your interest or provide a new perspective on something intriguing. However, today, I find myself truly speechless. (If you know me, you understand how rare it is to render me speechless.)

Let me elaborate. I was engrossed in my work when I received a Slack notification from Jason, the big boss at ZDNET. He shared an article about Meta’s intentions to merge AI-generated user profiles and content across its social media platforms. His message? “What do you make of this?”

In essence, he was subtly hinting that I should write about it. I had to double-check the date because it felt like an April Fool’s joke. Why would Meta want to create AI users on a social platform? The whole purpose of social media is to be, well, social! So why introduce an anti-social element with AI?

It’s easy to see why I was left speechless and momentarily dumbfounded by this revelation. Just to clarify, this isn’t an article to criticize AI or Meta. Meta is undeniably an impressive company, and despite occasionally irritating me, their advertising platform has been instrumental in my endeavors, for which I am grateful.

Instead, this piece aims to shed light on a troubling trend in Big Tech. Today, we will delve into:

– What Big Tech appears to overlook with each supposed innovation
– What truly demands your attention in this AI revolution
– My insights on how you can flourish in today’s environment

For those curious about the future of AI and how to adapt, I’ve got your back. Don’t hesitate to share this article with a friend keeping tabs on AI developments.

Before we dive in, allow me to introduce myself. I’m Lester Mapp, but friends call me Les. I am a founder with a successful exit, currently serving as the Executive Chairman of a group of e-commerce brands. At my core, I am an award-winning performance marketer with a knack for identifying trends.

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If I had to pinpoint my “marketing superpower,” it would be twofold. First, I excel at recognizing trends, to the point where we function more as a data company than a traditional online business. Second, my true advantage lies in connecting data with our customers’ emotional needs. Our success stems from decoding both realms rather than relying solely on one.

As you read on, I’ll reveal my secret to achieving this balance. If you enjoy marketing and business insights like this, consider subscribing to my No Fluff Just Facts newsletter.

Big Tech’s Troubling Trend

You might be wondering about Big Tech’s direction and the aforementioned disturbing pattern. To put it simply, as my younger brother would say, “They’re doing too much.” Sound familiar?

Blockchain is the next big thing.
The Metaverse is the next big thing.
Web3 is the next big thing.
NFTs are the next big thing (still debatable).
And now, AI is the next big thing.

Each of these innovations holds significance in our society and contributes to our advancement as a species. However, it seems that Big Tech is skirting the basics, relegating us, the users, to an afterthought.

Why aren’t these cutting-edge developments centered on:
– Caring for our users?
– Acting in their best interests?
– Establishing genuine connections with them?

We find ourselves in an era where AI is overhyped and sometimes misused. Case in point: I recently stumbled upon an AI toaster while browsing Amazon. Seriously? (I wouldn’t be surprised if a subscription-based toaster is next in line.)

Since AI took the spotlight, companies have been peddling solutions to non-existent problems. It’s akin to pandering in the tech realm—overcomplicating and hyping everything while neglecting the essentials.

Don’t get me wrong; I adore technology, and I am fully invested in AI. I’ve stated multiple times that nothing will part me from my OpenAI subscription. However, my question remains: Why isn’t Big Tech placing greater emphasis on the people they are meant to serve?

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It feels out of touch. Spend a moment in any comment section, and it becomes evident that more AI isn’t necessarily what people desire.

What Should You Prioritize?

For the foreseeable future, my focus lies in forging deeper connections with our customers, regardless of the form it takes. Here’s why: During the pandemic, we witnessed a surge in innovations aimed at maintaining connections while we were confined at home. Companies thrived, fortunes were made, and work-from-home tech reigned supreme.

But what occurred once we could venture outdoors again? Experiences flourished!

American consumer spending on experiences over the previous 12 months ending in August 2024 surpassed pre-pandemic levels by a remarkable 32% compared to the same period ending in January 2019. This shift underscores people’s yearning for genuine connections and experiences over mere transactions. Moving forward, authentic engagement with our customers will be crucial for prosperity in this evolving landscape.

My team and I are committed to bolstering our media channels, allowing us to authentically engage with our customers. Here’s how we’re executing this strategy and how you can benefit from it:

1. Email Marketing: Powerful yet underestimated
Email remains an incredibly potent tool that is often undervalued. Did you know that consumers who receive email offers spend 138% more than those who don’t? Furthermore, 88% of email users check their inbox daily, with 39% checking multiple times a day.

Pro Tip: If your emails aren’t yielding results, it’s not due to email’s obsolescence. It may be a result of dull content. Make your emails engaging and enjoyable, as though you are conversing with a friend. Capture their attention first, then present your offer.

2. SMS Marketing: A cost-effective game-changer flying under the radar
Through SMS campaigns, we recently converted a $20,291.87 investment into an impressive $556,314.10 return. Compared to platforms like Google and Meta, SMS is more budget-friendly, with 72% of consumers making purchases after receiving a brand’s text.

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Pro Tip: Remember that SMS frequency differs from email. Sending numerous messages daily isn’t just excessive; it’s overwhelming! Keep your texts concise and direct with a compelling call to action.

3. Human-Centric Customer Service
You may call me old-fashioned, but we are dedicated to enhancing our customer service experience by prioritizing human interaction. While I advocate for automating FAQs and basic inquiries, we strive for our customers to engage with real individuals whenever they deem fit.

I’ve never subscribed to the notion that customer service should be a hassle. Customers are either seeking to make a purchase or resolve a purchase-related issue. Why would I assign such a critical responsibility to AI? Customers entrust us with their money; it is only fitting that we treat them with the respect they deserve by engaging with them personally.

My Final Thoughts

As I step down from my soapbox, I leave you with this thought. In a time where acquisition costs are escalating, and the competitive environment is becoming increasingly clamorous, it makes little sense to distance ourselves from the individuals who sustain our businesses—our customers.

Instead, let’s delve deeper into building authentic connections with them. I urge you to reassess your AI strategy. While AI can enhance efficiency and streamline processes, let’s not overlook the fact that people conduct business with people. Looking towards 2025 and beyond, our focus should be on drawing closer to our customers rather than retreating behind technology.

Oh, and I almost neglected to share our secret: it’s remarkably simple—we care about our customers. I hope this serves as a guiding light for you. I’m cheering you on.

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