Tahun 2025 Penuh dengan Hujan Meteor: Ini Saatnya yang Selanjutnya Jatuh

The year 2025 is full of exciting opportunities, especially when it comes to meteor showers. These annual events can be planned well in advance, providing plenty of chances to witness shooting stars. To maximize your viewing experience, it is recommended to escape light pollution by getting as far away from urban areas as possible. Finding the radiant, or the point from which the meteors appear to originate, is key to spotting the most meteors. While moonlight can sometimes hinder visibility, the specific dates of meteor showers determine whether this will be a factor.

Here is a breakdown of some of the upcoming meteor showers in 2025:

– Quadrantids: Peak date Jan. 2 to 3, with a maximum meteor rate of 120 meteors per hour from the Big Dipper.
– Gamma Normids: Peak date March 14 to 15, with a maximum meteor rate of 6 meteors per hour from the Norma constellation.
– Lyrids: Peak date Apr. 21 to 22, with a maximum meteor rate of 18 meteors per hour from the Lyra constellation.
– Eta Aquariids: Peak date May 3 to 4, with a maximum meteor rate of 50 meteors per hour from the Aquarius constellation.
– Alpha Capricornids: Peak date July 29 to 30, with a maximum meteor rate of 5 meteors per hour from the Capricornus constellation.
– Southern delta Aquariids: Peak date July 29 to 30, with a maximum meteor rate of 25 meteors per hour from the Aquarius constellation.
– Perseids: Peak date Aug. 12 to 13, with a maximum meteor rate of 100 meteors per hour from the Perseus constellation.
– Southern Taurids: Peak date Oct. 10 to 11, with a maximum meteor rate of 5 meteors per hour from the Taurus constellation.
– Orionids: Peak date Oct. 22 to 23, with a maximum meteor rate of 20 meteors per hour from the Orion constellation.
– Draconids: Peak date Oct. 8, with a maximum meteor rate of 10 meteors per hour from the Draco constellation.
– Northern Taurids: Peak date Nov. 8 to 9, with a maximum meteor rate of 5 meteors per hour from the Taurus constellation.
– Leonids: Peak date Nov. 16 to 17, with a maximum meteor rate of 15 meteors per hour from the Leo constellation.

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Each meteor shower has its own unique characteristics and offers a chance to witness the beauty of the cosmos. Make sure to mark your calendar and plan your shooting star trips in advance to make the most of these celestial events in 2025.

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