Seorang pengacara palsu Nintendo membuat para YouTuber ketakutan, dan tidak jelas apakah YouTube bisa menghentikannya.

“In late September, Dominik “Domtendo” Neumayer received a concerning email. He had recently featured The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom in a series of videos on his YouTube channel, only to have those videos removed due to copyright strikes. The email warned Domtendo that one more strike would result in the loss of his 17-year-old channel and the over 1.5 million subscribers he had amassed.

Despite the threats, Domtendo noticed something suspicious about the takedown notice that YouTube had missed. The request had come from a personal email address, raising doubts about its legitimacy. Fake takedowns were not uncommon, with YouTube reporting that over six percent of requests were likely fake.

Nintendo, known for its strict copyright enforcement, had a complicated relationship with content creators. While Let’s Play videos were usually left alone as they served as free marketing for their games, Domtendo found himself targeted by what appeared to be a fake Nintendo representative named Tatsumi Masaaki.

As the threats escalated, Domtendo reached out to Nintendo directly for clarification. To his relief, Nintendo confirmed that the email address used by Tatsumi was not legitimate and did not align with their enforcement practices. Despite this confirmation, Tatsumi continued to send threatening emails until Domtendo discovered that the email address had been spoofed.

After taking precautions to secure his accounts, Domtendo was finally able to put the ordeal behind him. The experience served as a cautionary tale about the dangers of fake takedown notices and the importance of verifying the legitimacy of such claims.”

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