ZDNET highlights the key features of the Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra, a premium flagship smartphone aimed at users seeking top performance, starting at $1,299. The device boasts new Galaxy AI capabilities, a Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Elite chip, and a 50MP ultrawide lens. While there are no major changes in camera hardware, battery capacity, or charging speed, the phone offers improved durability, advanced camera features, and a powerful processor.
Samsung’s latest offering, the Galaxy S25 Ultra, retains its status as a versatile and high-end handset, with enhancements to its display, camera system, and performance. The device is lighter and features Corning Gorilla Armor 2 for improved protection. Despite the lack of flashy color options, the phone’s design remains sleek and modern.
Under the hood, the S25 Ultra is equipped with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Elite chip, offering enhanced AI capabilities and faster performance. The device’s AI features, including the Gemini app and Bixby integration, provide seamless user experiences and efficient operation. The camera system, while not drastically updated, now includes a 50MP ultrawide lens for improved detail and color accuracy.
Overall, ZDNET finds the Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra to be a reliable and feature-rich smartphone, suitable for users looking for a premium device. While the upgrades may not be groundbreaking, the phone’s performance and AI capabilities make it a solid choice for those in the market for a new handset.