Saya mengikuti workshop masturbasi sensual dan pengalaman tersebut membuat saya terpesona.

\”You are encouraged to make sounds, to moan, scream, gasp, say \’oh fuck!\’\” Upon entering the Sensual Self-Touch workshop, it felt as though I was stepping into another realm. Around 20 women and non-binary vulva owners were adorned in silk kimonos, indulging in sweets and fruits, gliding through a luminous, plant-filled space with gentle lighting. Was I in a mythical painting surrounded by fairy nymphs? No, I was at the Sensual Self-Touch Workshop in East London, a two-hour guided journey of mindful body and vulva exploration.

As we entered the main room, yoga mats were arranged in a circle facing the center, with incense filling the air under soft pink and warm yellow lights, and spa-like music playing in the background. Each mat was equipped with mirrors, towels, pillows, blankets, lube, and coconut oil, all in preparation to meet our vulvas. Workshop facilitators and sex coaches Oli Lipski and Valentine Bordet introduced themselves and outlined the session, which would include both theoretical and practical aspects. We would delve into the anatomy of a vulva, explore our own vulvas, discuss feelings of yes/no/maybe and consent, learn self-pleasure techniques, and, of course, put them into practice.

“Good sex and good pleasure is unique to you. It’s mindful. It’s sensual – and not in the pastelly fluffy way we might be sold it as — but in a literal sense that you are connected to your senses and curious about what every movement, touch, breath, moan can do for your pleasure,” Lipski, sensual intimacy coach and pleasure workshop facilitator, shared with Mashable. Taking control of your pleasure leads to a more fulfilling experience, not only in solo practice but also in partnered sex.

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The workshop aimed to empower participants to know their bodies, understand what brings them pleasure, and have the confidence to prioritize their own needs and desires. Bordet, founder of Self-Pleasure Club and somatic sexologist in training, expressed the importance of embracing one’s body autonomy and pleasure.

In a world where there is a significant gap between male and female masturbation, orgasms, and overall sexual behavior, workshops like these serve as a vital space for breaking down taboos and empowering individuals to explore and celebrate their own pleasure. By normalizing conversations around self-pleasure, we can dismantle the stigma and shame that often surround it, allowing individuals to fully embrace and express their pleasure.

The workshop involved activities such as exploring the anatomy of our vulvas, learning different techniques and strokes for self-pleasure, and engaging in guided meditations and touch sessions. Participants were encouraged to connect with their bodies, dispel shame, and center their own pleasure. The experience of gazing at and exploring one’s own vulva was described as enlightening and empowering by many attendees, highlighting the transformative power of embracing and celebrating one’s own body and pleasure.