Pratinjau film 2025: Semua film yang ingin Anda ketahui

In 2025, get ready for an exciting year at the movies with new films from stars like Pedro Pascal, Florence Pugh, Will Ferrell, Robert Pattinson, Ke Huy Quan, and Michael B. Jordan. Celebrated directors like Antoine Fuqua, Barry Levinson, Akiva Schaffer, and Jon M. Chu also have highly anticipated projects on the way. Beloved characters like Paddington, Captain America, Bridget Jones, Ethan Hunt, and SpongeBob SquarePants will make appearances for fresh fun. A mix of sequels, reboots, adaptations, and bold new visions are already on the release calendar, catering to all kinds of movie lovers. Whether you’re in the mood for spine-tingling chills, side-splitting comedy, heart-wrenching drama, mind-bending thrills, or bone-crunching action, 2025 promises to have something for everyone. Stay tuned as we map out the exciting year ahead in movies with Mashable’s 2025 movie preview, organized by release date.

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