Cuaca Sangat Panas Dapat Membuat Anda Tua Seperti Merokok

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Two men in their 60s, both white and with similar backgrounds, are living hundreds of miles apart – one in Arizona and the other in Washington state. Despite their similarities, the man in Arizona is aging faster at a cellular level than the man in Washington, by 14 months. Both men lead healthy lifestyles, so what could be causing this difference in aging?

A recent study published in Science Advances suggests that extreme heat may be responsible for prematurely aging millions of Americans compared to those in cooler climates. The effects of chronic exposure to high temperatures are comparable to the effects of smoking on cellular aging.

As global temperatures continue to rise due to the burning of fossil fuels, more people are being exposed to extreme heat. In 2023, Phoenix, Arizona experienced 31 consecutive days with temperatures exceeding 110 degrees Fahrenheit, making it the warmest year on record globally. The following year surpassed this record.

Exposure to high temperatures can have serious health consequences in the short and long term. It can lead to heat-related illnesses, heat stroke, and exacerbate existing chronic conditions. Vulnerable populations, such as the elderly and young children, are at a higher risk of these health impacts.

Eun Young Choi, a researcher at the University of Southern California, conducted a study on the long-term effects of heat exposure on cellular aging in people nearing their 60s. By analyzing blood samples and weather data, Choi found a direct association between heat exposure and accelerated aging.

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This study is one of the first to empirically link heat exposure to an acceleration in the aging process. It underscores the importance of addressing the health implications of rising temperatures due to climate change.

While some individuals may adapt by using air conditioning, not everyone has access to these resources. Communities in urban heat islands, where temperatures are significantly higher, are disproportionately affected, with non-white populations facing greater risks due to historical zoning practices and socioeconomic disparities.

Understanding the impacts of heat exposure on aging is crucial for developing strategies to protect vulnerable populations and mitigate the effects of climate change.

“Karena itu, kita mungkin dapat menggunakan temuan ini untuk menyarankan bahwa beberapa populasi tertentu akan membutuhkan perhatian dan perawatan yang lebih besar saat kita melihat ramalan gelombang panas.”

Choi berharap studi masa depan akan terus mengungkap perbedaan ini, terutama karena pada tahun 2040, 1 dari 5 orang Amerika akan berusia 65 tahun atau lebih — naik dari 1 dari 8 pada tahun 2000. Hasil studi Choi juga memiliki implikasi untuk semua kelompok usia, bukan hanya orang yang berusia 50 tahun ke atas. “Saya tidak pikir biologi yang mendasarinya jauh berbeda,” katanya. “Kita akan mengharapkan melihat beberapa efek signifikan dari panas pada orang dewasa yang lebih muda. Dan kita benar-benar perlu melacak orang dari lahir hingga usia tua untuk melihat apakah efek-efek ini dapat diubah.”

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