Berapa Lama Kualitas Anggur Merah Setelah Dibuka? Kami Meminta Pendapat dari Seorang Ahli

Wine is a finicky companion. Improper storage can ruin its delicate flavors, and once opened, things become even more precarious. Open wine doesn’t age like sealed bottles can, and once the seal is broken, a countdown begins until the wine becomes undrinkable. Different types of wine have varying lifespans after opening, but there are ways to store each type to extend its freshness and enjoy every drop.

To keep wine fresh as long as possible, wine educator Rachel Thralls recommends storing open wine, including red wine, in the fridge. The cool temperatures can preserve open wine for up to five days. Just remember to let the wine reach the appropriate serving temperature before enjoying.

Here’s how to store different types of open wine for maximum freshness:

– Sparkling wine: 1-3 days in the fridge
– Light white, sweet white, and rosé wines: 4-5 days in the fridge
– Full-bodied white wine: 2-3 days in the fridge
– Red wine: 3-5 days in the fridge

To preserve open wine, consider investing in a wine preserver or vacuum caps. Store open wine in the fridge to slow down its deterioration, and keep it away from direct sunlight or heat sources.

When serving wine, remember that optimal temperatures can enhance the flavors. Champagne and sparkling wines taste best at 40-45 degrees Fahrenheit, while light white wines and rosés are ideal between 45-50 degrees Fahrenheit. Heavier white wines and light reds should be served slightly warmer, around 48-56 degrees Fahrenheit. Medium-bodied reds are best at 55 degrees Fahrenheit, while full-bodied and aged reds shine between 59-68 degrees Fahrenheit.

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By following these tips for storing and serving wine, you can savor every sip and prevent good wine from going to waste.