Apakah media sosial membuat melihat-lihat menjadi sangat tidak keren?

“In April 2024, I had my first experience in sunny Barcelona and was captivated by Antoni Gaudí’s surreal architecture. Sunbathing under the stained glass of the Sagrada Familia, I found myself momentarily breathless. However, as I scrolled through my iPhone gallery later that evening, a sense of shame crept in. Remembering a friend’s caption on a photo of Gaudi’s famous basilica, posted during the 2020 lockdown, I felt conflicted. Despite the cathedral’s beauty, I hesitated to embrace it as a mainstream tourist attraction. I instead focused on the quaint nougat shops and hidden cactus garden that I discovered, posting them with casual captions and emojis on social media in hopes of receiving validation. By curating my experiences to fit a non-mainstream traveler image, I realized I was sacrificing authenticity for online approval. This need for validation stems from the pressure to stand out in a saturated travel market, driven by the desire to showcase unique and undiscovered destinations. As Gen Z continues to prioritize experiences over material possessions, the trend of seeking off-the-beaten-path locations has become increasingly popular. This shift in travel preferences has led to a rise in dupe cities and hidden gem destinations, where individuals aim to elevate their social status through cultural capital rather than traditional sightseeing. Despite this quest for authenticity, the line between genuine experiences and performative content blurs as travelers navigate the online landscape. The pressure to curate the perfect vacation has become overwhelming, leading to a loss of connection with the true essence of travel. As we strive to differentiate ourselves in a digital age, it’s important to remember that the most fulfilling experiences are often found in the authenticity of the moment, rather than the aesthetics of the post.”

MEMBACA  Kekeringan Membuat Suku Maasai Kenya dan Penggembala Lainnya Harus Mencari Solusi Selain Sapi - Bahkan Hingga Menjajagi Ikan