Apakah Kita Harus Khawatir Tentang Tingkat Kortisol Kita? Saya Melakukan Tes Stres Darah untuk Mengetahuinya

Cortisol is commonly referred to as the “stress hormone,” and interestingly, discussions and videos online about cortisol imbalances appear to cause stress in individuals. As someone who struggles with anxiety, I have always been curious about how stress impacts my cortisol levels. My curiosity led me to take a complimentary Cortisol Blood Stress Hormone Test offered by Quest, a diagnostic information services provider. Following the test, I consulted with several doctors to gain a better understanding of my elevated cortisol levels and to explore whether we should be concerned about cortisol or if the media is exaggerating its effects.

Dr. Sanjay Dixit, the medical director of cardiometabolic endocrine and wellness solutions at Quest Diagnostics, explained that cortisol is a vital hormone produced by the adrenal glands. While it is often associated with stress, cortisol also plays various other crucial roles in the body, such as regulating blood sugar, blood pressure, the sleep-wake cycle, metabolism, and reducing inflammation.

In addition to managing the body’s stress response, cortisol aids in preparing the body for the “fight-or-flight” response by increasing glucose availability and providing extra energy by mobilizing stored fats and proteins. It is essential to note that cortisol levels can vary throughout the day, peaking in the morning.

Individuals may consider a cortisol test to check for cortisol deficiencies or excesses, known as adrenal insufficiency and Cushing’s syndrome, respectively. Symptoms of cortisol imbalances can include fatigue, muscle weakness, skin changes, weight loss, weight gain, and glucose intolerance.

When undergoing a cortisol blood test, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare provider who understands your medical history. Quest recommends scheduling the test between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. to get the most accurate results. It is also vital to be aware that certain factors, such as oral contraceptives or steroids, can affect the accuracy of the test results.

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After receiving my cortisol test results, which indicated high cortisol levels, I sought advice from a physician provided by Quest. The physician explained that while anxiety could contribute to acutely high cortisol levels, chronically elevated levels might signal underlying conditions or adrenal gland issues. Normal cortisol levels can vary depending on the individual and the time of day, with levels typically peaking in the morning and gradually decreasing throughout the day.

Ultimately, understanding cortisol levels and their implications is essential for maintaining overall health and well-being. If you are concerned about your cortisol levels, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for further evaluation and guidance.