6 Tren Kesehatan dan Kebugaran di TikTok yang Diinginkan Para Ahli untuk ‘Mengurangi Pengaruhnya’

Everywhere you turn on TikTok and Instagram, influencers are promoting new trends of all kinds. In the wellness and fitness realm, it’s often a new diet trend like animal-based diets or a workout routine that supposedly transformed the influencer’s body in just 30 days. There are also influencers strolling through supermarkets, sometimes shirtless, claiming that everything you’re eating is harmful and that you should switch to the product they’re endorsing instead. While some may view this content as harmless, it can have a detrimental impact on those struggling with body image issues, recovering from eating disorders, and impressionable young individuals.

What makes this type of content concerning is that it often spreads misinformation on platforms with large followings, leading followers to trust the influencer and share their content. This results in a flood of conflicting messages about what is true, false, or exaggerated. It can be challenging for the average user to discern fact from fiction on social media when the same message is repeated over and over again. We spoke with experts in the wellness and fitness industry about trends they believe should be debunked and how to identify false claims on social media.

One trend that experts want to discourage is food-restrictive diets like the animal-based diet. While popular diets like keto and carnivore diets eliminate or limit certain food groups, they may not be suitable for everyone. Restrictive plans that cut out entire food groups can lead to unhealthy eating patterns and potential nutrient deficiencies. Instead, experts recommend a balanced diet that includes a variety of whole foods from all food groups to provide essential nutrients to the body.

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Cleanses and detoxes are another trend experts advise against. The body has its natural detox system, and extreme measures like drastic calorie restriction and diuretics can lead to nutritional deficiencies and digestive issues. There is limited scientific research supporting the effectiveness of cleanses and detoxes, so experts recommend following a balanced diet rich in protein, fruits, and vegetables to support the body’s natural detox process.

Another trend that experts caution against is the belief that you can “earn” your food by working out at the gym. The majority of daily calorie burn comes from daily activities like walking, standing, and cooking, rather than just a workout session. The gym offers benefits beyond burning calories, such as muscle building and improving overall health.

Additionally, experts warn against following fearmongering fitness advice that targets women. Myths like weightlifting making women bulky or Pilates creating long and lean muscles are not accurate. It’s essential to debunk these myths and encourage women to engage in a variety of exercises to support their overall health and well-being.

Finally, experts caution against falling for fitness shortcuts like vibration plates as a replacement for traditional workouts. While vibration plates may have some benefits like improving balance and blood flow, they are not a substitute for weightlifting or cardio exercises when it comes to building muscle or burning calories.

In conclusion, it’s crucial to be discerning when consuming wellness and fitness content on social media. By consulting with experts and staying informed, individuals can make informed decisions about their health and well-being.

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