Umat Kristen Palestina putus asa ketika tanah air Gaza dihancurkan oleh perang Israel | Berita Pemilihan Presiden AS 2024

When Khalil Sayegh reflects on his childhood in the Gaza Strip, memories of the Greek Orthodox Church of Saint Porphyrius stand out in his mind. Now 29 years old and residing in Washington, DC, Sayegh recalls the weddings, Sunday School classes, music lessons, and visits to the small graveyard from his youth. However, with the upcoming return of former President Donald Trump to power in January, defeating Democrat Vice President Kamala Harris in the recent US presidential election, uncertainty looms for Palestinians like Sayegh, who have family in Gaza and are watching from afar. Disappointed by the current Democratic administration’s failure to hold Israel accountable for the ongoing war that has claimed the lives of thousands of Palestinians, many Arab Americans turned to alternative candidates like Jill Stein of the Green Party in the election. Despite the devastation and chaos in his homeland caused by the conflict, Sayegh fondly remembers the Divine Liturgy at St Porphyrius Church every Sunday, a tradition that dates back centuries. The church, a central hub for Gaza’s Christian community, has been significantly damaged in the recent violence, including a tragic incident where an Israeli air strike killed civilians seeking refuge in the compound. Amid personal tragedies, including the loss of his father and sister, Sayegh finds solace in his faith and the belief in resurrection. Growing up in Gaza during times of crisis and conflict, Sayegh recalls the challenges faced by the Christian community, as well as the changes brought about by the withdrawal of Israeli forces and the rise of Hamas in the region. Despite the difficulties, Sayegh remains hopeful for a brighter future, rooted in his faith and resilience.

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