Tidak Ada Jalan Kembali: 50 Tahun Setelah Revolusi Bunga Mawar, Portugal Terbagi | Sayap Kanan Jauh

\”In Lisbon, Portugal, on April 25, the olive-green military vehicles and uniforms of the personnel are the same as they were 50 years ago when the Carnation Revolution began. The cheering crowds waving red carnations bought from flower ladies on Rossio Square were not present back then. On that fateful morning, Portugal was still under the grip of a fascist dictatorship, fighting brutal wars in its African colonies. The Movement of Armed Forces, consisting of 163 military captains, had been formed in secret in September 1973 to overthrow the dictatorship. On April 25, 1974, they took control of key military installations, political chambers, and broadcasting facilities in Lisbon, bringing an end to the far-right regime. Former navy captain Carlos Almada Contreiras recalls the events of that day when they had to act, risking their lives for a chance at a new beginning. The Carnation Revolution brought about a permanent change, giving freedom back to the people of Portugal and its African colonies. However, as Portugal celebrates 50 years of democracy today, the shadows of its authoritarian past loom large, with the rise of far-right political party Chega in the recent elections. The revolution was born out of war fatigue and a longing for democracy within the military ranks, leading to the overthrow of the dictatorship and the establishment of a new era in Portugal’s history.\”

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