Presiden AS yang Menjadi Sahabat China

In 1987, Getty Images captured a heartwarming moment of Carter and Deng embracing in Beijing, showcasing their close relationship. This bond was forged in 1979, when then US president Jimmy Carter welcomed Deng Xiaoping to Washington, marking the beginning of a diplomatic partnership that would reshape the world. The historic visit led to the establishment of formal ties between the US and China, a significant achievement during Carter’s presidency. This pivotal moment not only paved the way for China’s economic rise but also set the stage for its complex relationship with the US.

Carter’s affinity for China was evident throughout his life, starting from his early encounters with the country as a young naval officer. His admiration for China’s culture and people grew over the years, culminating in his pivotal role in fostering closer ties between the two nations. Despite facing criticism for his decision to switch recognition from Taiwan to Beijing, Carter’s efforts were instrumental in uniting the US and China against the Soviet Union and promoting peace and economic growth in East Asia.

Central to Carter’s success in bridging the US-China divide was his unique friendship with Deng Xiaoping. The two leaders shared a mutual respect and admiration for each other, with Deng’s vision and pragmatism complementing Carter’s diplomatic finesse. Their partnership was instrumental in navigating the complexities of international relations and forging a lasting bond between their countries.

Even after leaving office, Carter remained committed to strengthening US-China relations, undertaking humanitarian work and building personal connections with the Chinese people. His visits to China were met with warmth and appreciation, with the Chinese public embracing him as a symbol of courage, honesty, and genuine care for others. Despite the challenges in the US-China relationship in later years, Carter’s legacy as a peacemaker and bridge-builder continues to be cherished by both nations.

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