Penguasa Kuat Venezuela Yakin Akan Kemenangan. Namun Datanglah Kejutan.

The Venezuelan government appeared to have everything under control. Francisco Torrealba, a senior official in the ruling party, was confident as he watched the computer monitors on Election Day in Caracas last month. The charts showed strong support in Caracas and other government strongholds, leading officials to believe that high turnout among loyalists and voter suppression against the opposition would secure a victory for President Nicolás Maduro.

However, the reality was quite different. Vote tallies revealed that the ruling party’s supporters in the public sector and poor neighborhoods had turned against Maduro. This unexpected turn of events led to panic within the government as an electoral disaster loomed.

The government then faced a crisis as they struggled to maintain power. The electoral council interrupted the transmission of results for two hours, giving them time to come up with a new plan. Ultimately, Maduro was declared the winner, but the legitimacy of the election was called into question.

The aftermath of the election saw violent demonstrations, arrests, and global condemnation. Despite the controversy, Maduro refused to release any vote tallies to support his victory claim. The opposition and international community rejected his re-election.

The article is based on interviews with various individuals involved in the election, many of whom spoke anonymously. The government’s repression of opposition and manipulation of the electoral process raised concerns about the future of Venezuela under Maduro’s rule.

MEMBACA  Perusahaan yang mengoperasikan boiler berbahan bakar batubara akan menghadapi penegakan hukum pemerintah