Mungkinkah Senat AS berbalik ke kanan? Delapan perlombaan yang perlu diperhatikan dalam pemilihan ini | Berita Pemilihan

The United States presidential race has captured the attention of many, with former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris vying for victory in a nail-biting contest. However, other important races are set to unfold across the country, with the balance of power at stake. The upcoming general election on November 5 will not only determine the next president but also which party controls Congress, including the Senate and the House of Representatives. With Congress currently split, the Senate is a key battleground, with many analysts predicting a potential shift to Republican control. With 34 Senate seats up for grabs this election year, the Democrats’ slim lead could easily be lost. Key races in Montana, Wisconsin, Ohio, Nevada, and Pennsylvania are under intense scrutiny, as incumbents face tough challenges from Republican opponents. The outcome of these races could have a significant impact on the future direction of the country, shaping the ability to pass legislation and implement policy agendas.

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