Mengapa Provinsi Punjab Pakistan memberlakukan larangan total terhadap terbang layang-layang? | Seni dan Budaya

Pakistan’s Punjab province, the most populous province, has enforced a complete ban on kite flying ahead of the Basant festival, a traditional celebration of the arrival of spring. The ban comes as a result of concerns over public safety, with legal amendments imposing stricter fines and jail terms for those who violate the ban. This has disappointed many who see kite flying as a cherished tradition to welcome spring with joy, color, and the beauty of nature.

Authorities have defended the ban, citing the use of dangerous metal and glass-coated strings that have led to injuries and even deaths. Critics argue that the ban is unjust and disregards a popular cultural festival celebrated by people of all faiths in Pakistan. Some experts suggest that regulating the use of dangerous strings could have been a more effective approach than a total ban, which has negatively impacted the livelihoods of thousands of kite makers.

The new law, known as the Punjab Prohibition of Kite Flying (Amendment) Act, 2024, introduces harsher penalties for kite fliers, manufacturers, transporters, and sellers. Under the new law, individuals caught flying kites could face up to five years in prison or a two-million rupee fine, or both. Kite makers and transporters could face even longer prison terms and heavier fines.

The ban on kite flying in Punjab is not a new phenomenon, as the government has issued various executive orders and bans since the early 2000s to address the dangers associated with kite flying. Despite these measures, kite-flying competitions continue to pose risks to public safety, with sharp strings coated in glass causing injuries and deaths.

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While some groups have defied the ban and continue to celebrate Basant, others have supported the government’s decision, prioritizing public safety over tradition. The ban has also had economic implications, affecting the livelihoods of thousands of workers in the kite-making industry. Despite the ban, some argue that the regulation of dangerous kite strings could be a more effective solution to ensure public safety while preserving cultural traditions.