Mantan pemimpin Filipina Duterte ditangkap atas perintah ICC terkait pembunuhan narkoba.

Jonathan Head is the South East Asia correspondent who reported on the arrest of former President Rodrigo Duterte by Philippine police after the International Criminal Court issued a warrant accusing him of crimes against humanity for his brutal “war on drugs.” Duterte, 79, offered no apologies for his actions, which led to thousands of deaths during his presidency. His arrest has been called a “historic moment” by activists seeking justice for the victims of his drug war. Duterte’s arrest has been described as the beginning of a new chapter in Philippine history, marking a shift towards accountability and justice. Jonathan Head Dia telah memanggil Presiden Rusia Vladimir Putin sebagai “idola” dan di bawah pemerintahannya, Filipina mengubah kebijakan luar negerinya ke China dari AS, sekutu lamanya.

Putrinya dan pewaris politik, Sara Duterte, disebut-sebut sebagai calon presiden potensial pada tahun 2028. Pemegang jabatan saat ini, Marcos, dilarang oleh konstitusi untuk mencari re-eleksi.

Pelaporan tambahan oleh Virma Simonette di Manila dan Kelly Ng di Singapura

MEMBACA  Pada Kongres Demokrat, Prabowo Ungkapkan Kesedihan atas Meninggalnya Bendahara Renville

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