Loteri Hewan yang Dikelola Mafia di Brasil Tidak Terkalahkan. Permainan Online Mengubah Semuanya.

Taiza Carine da Costa had her first experience with gambling at the age of 9, growing up in the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro. Her godparents would send her to bet on an illegal lottery game with a few coins in hand. This habit continued into adulthood, with Ms. Costa betting daily on the game, known as “jogo do bicho” or animal game in Portuguese. She would place wagers on animals represented by sets of numbers based on her dreams.

However, lately, Ms. Costa has been drawn to a new form of gambling available on her phone – a digital slot machine game called Tigrinho. This game mimics a popular Chinese slots game and has gained popularity since digital gambling was legalized in Brazil in 2018. Ms. Costa plays this game daily, resulting in significant losses of around $80,000 over two years.

The rise of online betting games has sparked a gambling frenzy in Brazil, raising concerns about regulation to protect lower-income individuals from accumulating debt or losing their earnings. This surge in digital gambling has also threatened the traditional animal lottery, which has been a part of Brazilian culture for over a century but is now facing a decline in participation.

The animal lottery, with its ties to criminal organizations and historical significance, is struggling to compete with the convenience and allure of online gambling. While the analog game has a rich history and cultural significance, digital platforms offer larger rewards and continuous betting options, attracting billions in wagers annually.

The shift to digital gambling has prompted Brazilian authorities to implement new regulations to oversee the industry and protect consumers from fraud and money laundering. Despite the challenges facing the animal lottery, some individuals, like Matheus Resende, still hold onto their connection to the traditional game while also participating in digital betting on sports and other games. The debate over the regulation of the gambling industry in Brazil continues as the popularity of online betting games grows.

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