Kunjungan Putin ke China Meningkatkan Hubungan Militer yang Mengkhawatirkan Barat

Russian President Vladimir V. Putin visited a trade fair in a northeastern Chinese city and toured a state-backed university renowned for its advanced defense research on Friday. This visit underscored the deepening economic and military links between the two nations, despite increasing pressure from the West.

The trip to Harbin by Mr. Putin, a city with a historical connection to Russia, was part of a larger effort to showcase his strong alliances as tensions rise due to his actions in Ukraine. His discussions with Chinese President Xi Jinping highlighted their strategic alignment against Western influence, culminating in a public display of camaraderie that included a rare embrace between the two leaders.

While the joint statement issued by Russia and China emphasized their collaboration in critical sectors like energy, space, and the military, Mr. Putin’s visit also revealed the limits of their partnership. There were no public commitments to new projects or investments, and progress on key initiatives like the Power of Siberia 2 gas pipeline was not reported.

The visit to the Harbin Institute of Technology, known for its cutting-edge defense research, symbolized the growing security ties between the two countries. Despite not being formal military allies, Russia and China have cooperated closely in recent years, including joint military exercises near sensitive regions like Alaska and Taiwan.

While China has refrained from providing Russia with lethal weapons, its supply of dual-use components like semiconductors has been crucial for Russia’s military needs. The visit to the institute hinted at the potential transfer of military-applicable technology from China to support Russia’s actions in Ukraine.

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Overall, Mr. Putin’s visit to China showcased the evolving dynamics of the Russia-China relationship, balancing economic cooperation with strategic alignments in the face of Western pressure. The emphasis on local currency transactions and the continuation of trade growth reflect efforts to mitigate the impact of sanctions and strengthen bilateral ties between the two nations.