Getty Images: “He enjoyed acting but despised all the extraneous aspects that come with it,” film director Barry Sonnenfeld said, reflecting on the late Gene Hackman, who passed away at 95. Sonnenfeld shared that Hackman was frustrated by the long hours in hair and makeup, multiple takes, and studio notes. Hackman also clashed with actors who didn’t know their lines, notably John Travolta during the filming of Get Shorty in 1995.
Since Hackman’s passing, those who knew and worked with him have emphasized his dedication to acting and meticulous approach to scripts. Despite being a two-time Oscar winner, Hackman was wary of the Hollywood lifestyle. He passed away alongside his wife and dog at home in New Mexico, with police investigating the circumstances as suspicious.
Fellow directors like John Moore and Sonnenfeld praised Hackman’s unique methods of script analysis, cutting out unnecessary notes to focus on his character. Hackman’s intense focus on acting sometimes intimidated his colleagues, with Moore recalling how Hackman would remove and rearrange script pages to suit his style. Moore described Hackman’s attitude as challenging but inspiring, pushing others to bring their best to the table.
Despite his talent, Hackman often expressed disdain for the superficial aspects of filmmaking, like makeup and wardrobe. He preferred to focus solely on his craft and would often avoid socializing after work. Sonnenfeld highlighted Hackman’s dedication to acting above all else, showing a desire to finish filming quickly and get back to the core of his work.
Hackman’s commitment to his craft sometimes led to conflicts on set, such as his showdown with John Travolta during the filming of Get Shorty. Hackman’s frustration with Travolta’s lack of preparation resulted in heated exchanges between the two actors. Sonnenfeld recounted how Hackman’s anger over this issue would manifest during filming, directing his frustration towards the director instead.
Despite his reputation for being difficult to work with, Hackman’s talent and dedication to his craft were undeniable. His colleagues admired his technical and artistic skills, even if they had to navigate his intense approach to acting. Hackman’s legacy as a brilliant but formidable actor remains a significant part of Hollywood history. Getty Images Tapi dia sangat baik.”
Moore, baginya, mengatakan bahwa dia tidak pernah merasa bahwa Hackman sulit untuk bekerja sama.
“Dia sabar dan sangat profesional,” katanya.
“Kenangan saya tentang dia adalah tertawa dan tersenyum, serta menceritakan lelucon yang sangat lucu.”
Moore mengakui bahwa Hackman mungkin menjadi terganggu dengan siapa pun di lokasi syuting yang membuat peran mereka lebih besar dari seharusnya.
“Jadi saya bisa melihat bagaimana dia mungkin bisa lucu tentang aktor yang bersikap sok penting,” katanya.
“Tapi lagi, itu kembali ke intinya – dia benar-benar ingin membuat film-film tersebut luar biasa.”
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Gene Hackman dan Betsy Arakawa, terlihat di Academy Awards 1994
Hackman pensiun dari dunia akting pada tahun 2004 dan sejak saat itu menjalani kehidupan yang tenang di New Mexico bersama istrinya.
“Saya curiga salah satu alasan dia pindah ke Santa Fe, lagi-lagi, alam terbuka yang indah dan sejauh mungkin dari Hollywood,” kata Sonnenfeld.
Pada tahun 2008, Hackman memberikan wawancara langka dengan Reuters, di mana dia ditanya apakah dia merindukan akting.
Dia menjawab dengan mengatakan bahwa bisnis tersebut, baginya, “sangat stres”.
“Kompromi-kompromi yang harus Anda buat dalam film hanyalah bagian dari kehidupan ini, dan itu sudah mencapai titik di mana saya tidak merasa ingin melakukannya lagi.”
Tapi, tambahnya: “Saya merindukan bagian akting sebenarnya, karena itulah yang saya lakukan selama hampir 60 tahun.
“Dan saya sangat menyukainya.”